Employer Branding and Recruitment campaign

Showing doctors that My Emergency Doctor can offer a flexible and satisfying career, different to anything else in the emergency medicine world.

My Emergency Doctor


Marketing Manager


Catherine Frank

Anna Zhu Photography and Film (supported by CBN FVR)



My Emergency Doctor (MED) were the Platinum Sponsors of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine’s (ACEM) 37th Annual Scientific Meeting, held virtually. The aim of the sponsorship package was to expose delegates (Emergency Physicians) to the opportunities available to them in a career in emergency telemedicine.

There are approximately only 2,000 Fellows of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (FACEMs) in the world and MED aims to reach all of them with news of opportunities in telehealth/telemedicine to entice them into a career with MED. With the aim of showcasing how emergency telehealth/telemedicine careers can offer flexibility, purpose and meaningful work to suit any emergency doctor, anywhere, I concepted a video advertisement and briefed a blog article on the ACEM website about how MED could offer a satisfying career, different to anything else in the emergency medicine world.

Channels and Artwork

  • 90 second video (MASTER) and 5 x 30 second videos (SOCIAL)
  • Blog article on ACEM website
  • Recruitment brochure
  • Careers landing page linked to Salesforce (to track EOIs for recruitment team)


  • Briefed and managed 2 videography teams in 2 different states in Australia (VIC & NSW) explaining project summary, KPIs, and desired outcome
  • Wrote script for video
  • Created written content execution on landing page and integration with Salesforce
  • Wrote content for career brochure and project managed graphic design and publication
  • Project managed blog article on ACEM website, briefing content writer and overseeing production and publishing
  • Tracked and measured campaign performance
  • Developed post-analysis report for recruitment team
Content marketing partnership with ACEM – “How emergency telemedicine has helped with work life balance article”.
You can read this on the ACEM website at acem.org.au


Over the 2 day event period

  • 660 views of Employer Branding video
  • 390 visits to careers page on MED website
  • 112 downloads of Emergency Physician Careers Brochure PDF
  • 24 completed EOIs requesting more information on career opportunities

Additionally, I was able to recycle this blog post on the ACEM site for International Women’s Day in 2021 and make it the centrepiece of a sponsored post on LinkedIn using LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

Find Out More



My Emergency Doctor recruitment marketing brochure (cover)

My Emergency Doctor recruitment marketing brochure (inside spread)


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